2008 Conference

2008 Conference

The fifth Active Living Research Annual Conference was held April 9 - 12, 2008 in Washington, DC at The Madison, a Loews Hotel. The theme for the 2008 conference was Connecting Active Living Research to Policy Solutions.

Holding the conference in Washington, DC provided researchers and policy makers greater opportunities to interact, exchange ideas, and discuss potential collaboration between research and policy development. The conference agenda on Thursday had a particular focus on the policy impact of research. Friday's full-day and Saturday's half-day followed with a research focus. Breakfast roundtable discussions, multiple keynote speakers, plenary and concurrent presentations, as well as policy-relevant panel presentations were present throughout the conference agenda.

A select number of papers presented at the 2008 conference are available for free in the February 2009 supplemental issue of the Journal of Public Health Policy.

You can view the 2008 conference presentations by clicking on each day's agenda.

2008 Translating Research to Policy Award

The 2008 Active Living Research Annual Conference featured the inaugural Active Living Research: Translating Research to Policy Award. Nominations were accepted for innovators in research, policy or advocacy who have had success in catalyzing policy and environmental change. For more information on the recipients, please visit the 2008 Translation Award web page.