Active Living Research News
ALR Conference
Registration is now open!
Register now for the ALR2015 conference, held February 22 – 25, 2015 in San Diego, Calif. The conference theme, The Science of Policy Implementation, explores the process of taking scientific findings from the research field of active living to inform policies, then ensuring the policies are put into practice to increase population-level physical activity. Keynote speaker Gil Penalosa, Executive Director of 8-80 Cities, will discuss leading practices around the world for sustainable mobility and public spaces that encourage active living.
ALR Resources
Youth Sedentary Time Infographic
The new Youth Sedentary Time infographic features evidence on trends in sedentary behaviors, such as watching TV, playing video games, and other screen time activities, among youth and their impact on obesity. The infographic can be downloaded for free for print or electronic dissemination. Findings presented in this infographic come from a related ALR research review.
Shared Use: Tools You Can Use
In September, Active Living Research co-hosted a free webinar with the Safe Routes to School National Partnership titled Shared Use: Tools You Can Use. The webinar highlighted the School Facilities Cost Calculator, ChangeLab Solution’s Open Use Policy and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership’s Shared Use Clearinghouse. You can watch the archived webinar here.
Grantee Highlights
Calculating the Cost of Shared Use of Schools
21st Century School Fund and the Center for Cities + Schools have released School Facilities Cost Calculator: A Joint-Use Tool for Fair Fees. The calculator helps school systems understand the real costs of owning and operating facilities and how to create a fee structure to cover those costs. The free online cost calculator is pre-loaded with rich data from 15,000 school districts and provides guidance in crafting an effective, transparent joint-use policy.
Identifying Effective Ways to Get Children More Physically Active
David Bassett and colleagues analyzed 65 studies assessing various approaches to getting kids to be active and then converted the data from those studies into a common measure of energy expenditure. Using that measure, they estimated the minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity generated by different types of interventions. Results from the study were featured in ALR’s What Works To Get Kids Active infographic. Learn more about Dr. Bassett and his study results in his RWJF grantee profile.
Announcements and Other Resources
Afterschool Programs In Demand
America After 3PM, a new household survey commissioned by the Afterschool Alliance, finds more children than ever are participating in afterschool programs and that parents support and value the programs. The new data also reveal a significant gap between the demand and supply of the programs. It provides national and state-level data on program participation rates by race, ethnicity, and income; activities offered in afterschool programs; and parents views about program quality. It also provides parents’ insights about physical activity, healthy foods and barriers to participation.
State of Obesity in the US
The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier Future, released RWJF and Trust for America’s Health, is the eleventh annual edition of the report formerly known as F as in Fat. This year’s report includes annual state rates and rankings of adult obesity and a special study of racial and ethnic disparities in obesity rates, including a series of in-depth interviews with public health experts in Black and Latino communities.
Rural Childhood Obesity Prevention Toolkit
Leadership for Healthy Communities has released the Rural Childhood Obesity Prevention Toolkit to help local and state leaders advance innovative, evidence-informed strategies for improving health in rural towns, counties, tribal lands, and schools. Policy-makers, advocates, and community leaders can use these strategies to advance policy solutions that support vibrant, healthier rural communities.
New Guidelines Bring Nature Play to Every Community
The National Wildlife Federation and the Natural Learning Initiative have released Nature Play & Learning Places: Creating and Managing Places Where Children Engage with Nature, a 192-page illustrated guide to nature play design. These guidelines show how to create a new type of nature play and learning area with trees, shrubs, flowers, and natural materials so that children and families can experience and appreciate wildlife and nature in every community.
Nominations for Champions Awards Program
The National Physical Activity Plan Champions Awards Program shines a national spotlight on organizations, companies, governmental agencies, and individuals who have made a significant commitment to adopt one or more strategies outlined in the plan and have shown progress towards improving physical activity for their target audience(s). For 2015, the NPAPA will recognize 2-3 outstanding societal sector representatives for their contributions to improving physical activity in the United States. Nominations are due November 13, 2014.
New Partners for Smart Growth
Registration is now open for the annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, January 29-31, 2015, in Baltimore, MD. The conference provides attendees with practical tools and innovative strategies for creating great communities.
Childhood Obesity Conference
Registration is now open for the 8th biennial Childhood Obesity Conference, being held June 29 – July 2, 2015 in San Diego, CA. The conference theme is Collective Impact: Developing a Shared Vision to Achieve Greater Success.
Society of Behavioral Medicine
The Society of Behavioral Medicine’s 36th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions are being held April 22-25, 2015 in San Antonio, TX. The meeting’s theme is Advancing the National Prevention Strategy through Behavioral Medicine Innovation.